Research Strategy & Data Collection: CRM in Microfinance

1 min readJan 29, 2021
Research Strategy & Data Collection: CRM in Microfinance

Research Strategy & Data Collection: CRM in Microfinance

This chapter describes the different approaches that have been applied to gather necessary information in order to perform a successful research study, contributing to the development of a valid and critical thesis.

3.1 Introduction into the Research Method

The research study is qualitative as the selected research method ought to be effective in collecting the data needed to answer the research questions.
Qualitative research represents descriptions of things made without assigning numbers directly and used in exploratory designs, “offering a detailed insight and understanding of the research object” (hair et al, 2007, pp.152).

Figure 3.1: Methodology Framework (Creswell, 2003).

3.2 Research Strategy

According to Bryman (2004), the field of research is wide and broad. However, many writers in methodological issues distinguish between two main categories in research methods, namely quantitative and qualitative research.

3.2.1 Quantitative Research

